Iris offers an incredible support for the httpexpect, a Testing Framework for web applications. The iris/httptest subpackage provides helpers for Iris + httpexpect.
if you prefer the Go's standard net/http/httptest package, you can still use it. Iris as much every http web framework is compatible with any external tool for testing, at the end it's HTTP.
Basic Authentication
In our first example we will use the iris/httptest to test Basic Authentication.
1. The main.go source file looks like that:
package main
import (
func newApp() *iris.Application {
app := iris.New()
opts := basicauth.Options{
Allow: basicauth.AllowUsers(map[string]string{"myusername": "mypassword"}),
authentication := basicauth.New(opts) // or just: basicauth.Default(map...)
app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) { ctx.Redirect("/admin") })
// to party
needAuth := app.Party("/admin", authentication)
needAuth.Get("/", h)
// http://localhost:8080/admin/profile
needAuth.Get("/profile", h)
// http://localhost:8080/admin/settings
needAuth.Get("/settings", h)
return app
func h(ctx iris.Context) {
username, password, _ := ctx.Request().BasicAuth()
// third parameter it will be always true because the middleware
// makes sure for that, otherwise this handler will not be executed.
// OR:
// ctx.User().GetUsername()
// ctx.User().GetPassword()
ctx.Writef("%s %s:%s", ctx.Path(), username, password)
func main() {
app := newApp()
2. Now, create a main_test.go file and copy-paste the following.
package main
import (
func TestNewApp(t *testing.T) {
app := newApp()
e := httptest.New(t, app)
// redirects to /admin without basic auth
// without basic auth
// with valid basic auth
e.GET("/admin").WithBasicAuth("myusername", "mypassword").Expect().
Status(httptest.StatusOK).Body().Equal("/admin myusername:mypassword")
e.GET("/admin/profile").WithBasicAuth("myusername", "mypassword").Expect().
Status(httptest.StatusOK).Body().Equal("/admin/profile myusername:mypassword")
e.GET("/admin/settings").WithBasicAuth("myusername", "mypassword").Expect().
Status(httptest.StatusOK).Body().Equal("/admin/settings myusername:mypassword")
// with invalid basic auth
e.GET("/admin/settings").WithBasicAuth("invalidusername", "invalidpassword").
func TestHandlerUsingNetHTTP(t *testing.T) {
handler := func(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.WriteString("Hello, World!")
// A shortcut for net/http/httptest.NewRecorder/NewRequest.
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
httptest.Do(w, r, handler)
if expected, got := "Hello, World!", w.Body.String(); expected != got {
t.Fatalf("expected body: %s but got: %s", expected, got)
3. Open your command line and execute:
$ go test -v
Other example: cookies
package main
import (
func TestCookiesBasic(t *testing.T) {
app := newApp()
e := httptest.New(t, app, httptest.URL(""))
cookieName, cookieValue := "my_cookie_name", "my_cookie_value"
// Test Set A Cookie.
t1 := e.GET(fmt.Sprintf("/cookies/%s/%s", cookieName, cookieValue)).
// Validate cookie's existence, it should be available now.
path := fmt.Sprintf("/cookies/%s", cookieName)
// Test Retrieve A Cookie.
t2 := e.GET(path).Expect().Status(httptest.StatusOK)
// Test Remove A Cookie.
t3 := e.DELETE(path).Expect().Status(httptest.StatusOK)
t4 := e.GET(path).Expect().Status(httptest.StatusOK)