When you want to create a middleware of iris.Handler form but you want to bind any input arguments of a potential (MVC) Controller's method or dependency-injection handlers.
The ctx.RegisterDependency is the method that allows you to build and add request-time dependencies.
// RegisterDependency registers a struct or slice
// or pointer to struct dependency at request-time
// for the next handler in the chain. One value per type.
// Note that it's highly recommended to register
// your dependencies before server ran
// through Party.ConfigureContainer or mvc.Application.Register
// in sake of minimum performance cost.
RegisterDependency(v interface{})
// UnregisterDependency removes a dependency based on its type.
// Reports whether a dependency with that type was
// found and removed successfully.
UnregisterDependency(typ reflect.Type) bool
Let's start by creating a custom middleware that we can use in our hypothetical app.
// Role struct value example.
type Role struct {
Name string
const roleContextKey = "myapp.role"
// RoleMiddleware example of a custom middleware.
func RoleMiddleware(ctx iris.Context) {
// [do it yourself: extract the role from the request...]
if ctx.URLParam("name") != "kataras" {
role := Role{Name: "admin"}
// Share the role value to the next handler(s).
ctx.Values().Set(roleContextKey, role)
When you have access to the middleware itself: Use the RegisterDependency to register struct type values as dependencies at request-time for any potential dependency injection-ed user handler. This way the user of your middleware can get rid of manually register a dependency for that Role type with calls of APIContainer.RegisterDependency (and mvc.Application.Register).
// GetRole returns the role inside the context values,
// the `roleMiddleware` should be executed first.
func GetRole(ctx iris.Context) (Role, bool) {
v := ctx.Values().Get(roleContextKey)
if v != nil {
if role, ok := v.(Role); ok {
return role, true
return Role{}, false
It's time to use our RoleMiddleware, in a common iris.Handler and a handler which accepts one or more dependencies. Create a main.go file and copy-paste the following code:
package main
import "github.com/kataras/iris/v12"
func main() {
app := iris.New()
app.Get("/", commonHandler)
c := app.ConfigureContainer()
When you do NOT have access to the middleware code itself then you can register a request dependency which retrieves the value from the Context and returns it, so handler/function's input arguments with that Role type can be binded.
c.RegisterDependency(func(ctx iris.Context) Role {
role, ok := GetRole(ctx)
if !ok {
// This codeblock will never be executed here
// but you can stop executing a handler which depends on
// that dependency with
// `ctx.StopExecution/ctx.StopWithXXX` methods
// or by returning a second output argument of `error` type.
return Role{}
return role